أخبار المجلسأخبار عامةبصمة قائدة

المستشارة مريم الشفيري /المغرب مرشحة بصمة قائدة ٢٠٢٠

– Economic intelligence
– Women empowerment and entrepreneurship program.
Position:SeniorFinance&ManagementConsultant Company:KapitalTransakAdvisory
Period:From Feb2018–Current
Resume – Meryem CHFIRI 1/2
Meryem CHFIRI Moroccan,

Professional Experience
Position:CEO- Founder Company: World Impact Consulting (WIC Morocco) Period:From May-2018–Current
– Corporate strategy and support of leaders and development of business opportunities and intermediation. – Establishment of a business relationship the search for reliable partners and support adapted to the needs – Financial Advice, Strategic Consulting, Mergers & Acquisitions and Financing
– Internal control evaluation, information system, organization and compliance requirements
– Corporate Finance and Mission to support transactions and cash management – Management, strategy and financing advisory.
– Marketing and corporate communication, events consulting and organization. – Investment advice and entrepreneurship in Africa.
– Outsourcing of accounting, payroll and social and tax declarations and Financial Management function – Training Engineering (Management, Finance, women empowerment, entrepreneurship…)
– Accompaniment and help with creation (business incubators)
– Lobbying and networking, Communication strategy and media relations
– Management and optimization of treasury and credit management operations (SME and Large Enterprises). – Missions of Financial Advice, Strategic Advice, Mergers Acquisitions and Financing.
– Consulting missions in organizations and optimization of operational performance (PMP).
– Change Management Missions on new practices and training for affected populations.
– Missions Establishment of the internal control system and compliance with the standards and regulations in force.
– Conducting analyzes and sector studies enabling clients to make informed decisions.
– SustainablebusinessdevelopmentandpartnershipswithfinancialorganizationsandeconomicactorsinMorocco&Africa.
– Advice, support and training for teams in finance, development strategy and management of organizations.
– Organization of scientific events in management, leadership and finance.
– Director of the Women’s Leadership Program dedicated to women executives and leaders for leadership development.
– Directorofthetrainingprogram“ManagementCertificateforFinanceOfficers“toenhancethe managementskillsoftheCFOs.
Position:TrainingConsultant-FinanceTrainer Company:Financeinstitute Period:FromFeb2018–Current
– Training and workshops on Financial Function In SMEs, Small Industries And Groups, focusing on Financial Services Features.
– Trainings on Financial Management, how to apply general management principles to financial resources of the enterprise.
– Training on financial decisions, Long-term and Short-term Investment decision, financing and dividend policy.
– Financial Analysis trainings, Review of the operational & financial performances (Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement). – Corporate and Finance Strategy, Mergers and acquisitions transactions; LBO & Private Equity operations; Structured finance operations.
– Business Plan & Financial Modeling, presentation of company’s strategy, Realize reliable activity forecasts; Encrypt your business plan.
– Cash Management, Understand the financial flows & the optimization of the working capital, Cash management and optimization tools. – Business and companies valuation assessment method: Comparable Analysis, the DCF method; Precedent Transaction Method.
Position:HeadofTreasuryandFinance. Company:SCCR-Construction&RealEstate Period: FromMay17toJan18
– Implementation of the treasury management information system (Sage I7).
– Management, optimization and control of financial transactions in real time and forecasting.
– Building strong and sustainable partnerships with banks and financial organizations. -Participationintheimplementationofthedevelopment& strategicplanningofthecompany(sector:construction)
– Ensure financial balance through the restructuring of the customer portfolio and development of new activities.
– Diversificationandrestructuringofthecustomerportfoliobetweenprivatecompaniesinresidential,industrialandpublicmarkets. – Development of new liquidity-generating activities: Concrete marketing and condominium management.
– Maintain and constantly regulate cooperation relations with suppliers and customers of the company.
– Ensure the editing and follow-up of files and financing agreements.
– Ensure the company’s compliance with the accounting, tax, social and regulatory standards in force.
– EnsurecontinuousimprovementoftheCompany’sWorkingCapitalFundandfollow-upofaccountsreceivableandsuppliers.
– Implementation of transversal procedures ensuring the lock and reliability of the financial and operational aspects.

Resume – Meryem CHFIRI 2/2

Position:Senior Treasury Analyst. Company: Libya Oil Morocco Period: From Jan16 to Apr 17
Daily treasury and cash management, optimization and monitoring of bank positions.
Negotiation and control of banking conditions and management of the investment financing component. Foreign exchange risk analysis and implementation of hedging instruments.
Administrative management relating to the scope of the treasury and legal completeness.
Conduct of the change of Electronic Banking Solutions.
Implementation of the solution Scan values on the various deposits of the kingdom.
Establishment of procedures for securing and optimizing financial flows.
Maintenance of business relations with banks, institutions and financial authorities.
Position:Accounting&FinancialAnalyst. Company:LibyaOilMorocco Period: From Apr13 to Dec 15
– Controlandmonitoringoftheaccuracyofbankingtransactionsandaccountingentriesinatimelymanner.
– Monitoring of deviations and the implementation of a corrective action plan and anticipatory control measures. – Analysis and monitoring of class 5 accounts, monitoring of cash flow and bank reconciliations.
– Control of the operational aspect of cash management and support of various internal customers.
– Analysis of bank charges and control of value dates.
– Monitoring of exchange differences and control of related accounting entries.
– Implementation of procedures relating to recovery, customer credit and management of outstanding payments.
Academic Background
2015 Master’s Degree in Accounting, Controling, Auditing. 2013 Master’s Degree in Banking & Finance.
2013 Diploma of the Higher Cycle in Finance.
2012 Bachelor in Business administration .
University : Montesquieu Bordeaux – France
University : Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne – France University : International business and Management School University : of Québec in Chicoutimi – Canada
-Participationintheprogram”WomenleadershipandempowermentforAfrica”InChina -Shanghai – Participation in the program “Women leadership and empowerment for Africa” In Ghana – Accra
– Mandated for a business turnaround mission to the consulting firm “Fil Rouge”.
– Responsible for the evaluation of the internal control of the company Libya Oil Morocco.
– Responsible for sales attractiveness study for Domyjeans.
– Portfolio Manager Recovery- Risk Department at Wafasalaf credit institution. – Responsible for the analysis mission of the sardine sector – LGMC Industrie.
– Assigned in support, the BMCI subsidiary of the banking group “PNB Paribas”. – Responsible for an opinion poll “the most creative advertising in Morocco”.
Interests, politics and Associative Activities
– Young Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research at Government of Youth of Moroccan Kingdom
– Member,SponsoroftheFME(MoroccanFoundationofthestudent)openingagainstschooldropoutandimprovementofeducation – General Secretary to “TIZI” Tariq Ibnou Ziad Initiative, for the promotion of political leadership among youth and women.
– Organization of a conference on the emergence of participative finance in Morocco, its modalities and its impact.
– Communication Manager, Project Manager “Khbyz” (helping children with cancer).
– Member of the international association “SIFE”, for the creation of income-generating activities for precarious women.
– Member of the MJID foundation for social services for generating projects and income for households in difficult situations.
– Participation in social, cultural and educational projects with the international association “Lions International”.
– Animation of the TEDxESIG conference, on the keys to success.
– Participation in the international conference: “Responsible management and the creation of value”.
– Participation in the international conference: “Women Leaders in Finance and Business”.
– Participation in events of foreign chambers of commerce in Morocco.
Arabic French English German
Office365Microsoft. Excel: Perfect Mastery Time planner
Gantt Project.
Visio flow-chart. Sage versionI7
Organized and Agile. Result Oriented and Continuous Improvement Holding the sense of detail. Looking for the excellence
Training in Progress
– Chartered Accountant
Project Management Professional Candidate PMP®- PMI


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