أخبار المجلسأخبار عامةبصمة قائدة

أ. د دعد محمد فؤاد مرشحة بصمة قائدة لعام 2020 مصر

Daad Mohamed Fouad
Professor of Demography
Dean, High Institute for Advanced Studies, Cairo, Egypt
X Vice Dean, Institute of Statistical Studies & Research, Cairo University
Member, National Council for Women, Health & Population Committee
Vice President, Arab Union for Sustainable Development and Environment, League of Arab Sta:
Professional Profile

I have over 35 years of experience in the field of Demography& Bio-Biostatistics
My wide experience included teaching for graduate students, supervising Ph.D. and M.Sc. Thesis and providing consultations.
I participated in many conferences, workshops, and seminars in Demography, Pop. Economics & Bio-statistics on the national & international levels.
I was member of the Country Support Team United Nations Fund for Population Activities UNFPA, Addis Ababa.
Consultations for: The Economic Commission for Africa ECA: The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Selected North-African Economies.
The UNFPA: Member of the policy Analysis Committee. Ministry of Health and Population,
Unit for Monitoring Population and Activities: Member of the Policy Analysis Committee.
ESCWA: The use of software in Demography, Kuwait.
UNECIF: Project about supporting the girl’s rights for the occasion of declaring the year 2003 as the year of the Egyptian girl.
I also worked as staff member and Population consultant at Cairo Demographic Center.

Also I had produced several researches on Demography and Bio-statistics discussing several thesis i.e., Health transition, Child health, HIV/AIDS, Sexual transmitted diseases and Reproductive health, Aging, Blindness, Women, Childhood & Motherhood, Gender issues, Labor, and poverty.
My paper titled “Sociodemographic characteristics associated with blindness in a Nile Delta governorate of Egypt” is published in “The British Journal of Ophthalmology” and republished by “The Canadian Health Orbit Journal” as distinguished paper in the field.
Having been deeply impressed by my paper Titled “Egypt Disability Adjusted Life Years, Expectation Models and Human Development” I was earnestly invited to join “Economics Journal” Editorial Panel
I am a member of different Scientific Societies i.e., The Egyptian Society for Population Studies and Reproductive Health ESPSRH, IUSSP, Eco-Mod Network, Global Development Net, Inter-University Consortium for International Social Development, the Applied Econometrics Association (AEA), and Bio-statistics Association, Egyptian Society for Population Studies and Reproductive Health.

Ph.D. in Bio-statistics and Demography. Thesis title “Error Models and Fertility Analysis Using Several Retrospective Surveys”. Channel System Scholarship between University of London, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Cairo University (ISSR) 1990.
M.Sc. in Bio-statistics and Demography. Thesis title “Detection of Errors in Maternity History Data “Department of Bio-statistics and Demography,(ISSR), Cairo University, Egypt 1982.
Diploma in Bio-statistics and Demography, (ISSR), Cairo University, Egypt 1978.
Bachelor of Commerce Degree, Faculty of Commerce, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt 1975.
Dean: High Institute for Advanced Studies, El Haram, Cairo, Egypt. 2013 to date.
Vice Dean, Institute of Statistical Studies & Research, Cairo University, Egypt April 2011to 2013.
Chair, Department of Biostatistics & Demography 2009 – 2011
Dean: Institute for Computers and Commercial sciences 2007-2009
Professor of Demography: 2006-to date, Department of Bio-statistics and Demography, (ISSR), Cairo University, Egypt.
United Nations International Population Consultant: Member of the Country Support Team, UNFPA Regional office, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2005 – date
Associate Prof.: 1995-2005, Department of Bio-statistics and Demography, (ISSR), Cairo University, Egypt.
Staff Member in the Global training program for Population and Development conducted between the United Nations (UNFPA) and Cairo Demographic Center. 8/1994 – 1998, CDC, Egypt.
Consultant: December, 1991-Date, Cairo Demographic Center,(CDC), Egypt.
Assistant Prof.: October, 1990-1995, Department of Bio-statistics and Demography,(ISSR), Cairo University, Egypt.
Assistant Lecturer: July, 1982-1989, Department of Bio-statistics and Demography,(ISSR), Cairo University, Egypt.
Accountant: Ministry of Finance, 1978-1982.
A part time participant Department of Statistics, The League of Arab States.1976.
Following courses are all for graduate students.
Human Resources Development
Human Resources Management courses for Technical Diploma participants
Training courses in Human Resources Management
Courses in Human Resources Development and Training
Advanced Demographic Analysis Ph.D. students
Projections and Estimations
Population, Human Rights and Environment
Quantitative Methods. Different methods of Statistical Analysis, for the Global Training Program Students, 1994 -96.
Using the SPSS and MINITAB packages in analyzing statistical data, for the Global training program Students, 1994 -96.
Demographic Analysis, 1st year Diploma,(ISSR), 1993. Fertility, Mortality, and Migration Analysis.
Population and Economic Development, 2nd year Diploma,(ISSR), 1993. Relationships between population and economic development are discussed from the economic point of view. Some economic models are applied.
Advanced Mathematics for Population Science, M.sc. Students, 1990 through 1993. Applying the advanced mathematics techniques to population sciences.
Selected Economic Aspects in Demography, M.sc. Students, 1993. More economic models are discussed to be applied by students themselves.
Population Composition and Demographic Models, training course, Cairo Demographic Center (CDC), 1993.Population by different categories like age, and sex and by different characteristics are discussed. Some demographic models like the stable population model and life table’s models are discussed.
Evaluation of Demographic data, for General Diploma,(CDC), 1993. Errors affected the demographic data and methods for evaluation and adjustment are explained.
Introduction to Demography, for the 1st year Diploma (ISSR) El Khartoum, Sudan, Cairo University. 1992.
Theory Of Statistics, for the 2nd year Diploma (ISSR) El Khartoum, Sudan, Cairo University, 1992. Sets, Functions, and some Statistical Distributions were discussed.
Demographic analysis for the 2nd year Diploma (ISSR), 1992. Techniques for detecting, evaluating, and adjusting the demographic data.
Population and Family planning, for the 1st year Diploma, (ISSR), 1992. Population policies responsive and influencing policies and relationships with other policies. Family Planning history experiences in both developed and developing countries. Methods of Target settings and evaluation of programs, impact of fertility. Integration with other components such as maternal and child health.
Supervised Ph.D. & M.sc.:
Effect of the Demographic Window on Pension System in Egypt
Effect of water contamination on human lives in Egypt
Quality measures for mothers care services in Egypt
Health Situation in Egypt on the context of health transition.
Reproductive Health among Female Adolescents in Cairo and Giza
Health inequality among children in Egypt
Evaluation of age and sex data 2006 census
Impact of infant mortality on fertility in Upper Egypt
Informal Sector and unemployment in Egypt
Sterilization trends in the period 1980 -2000 and its expectations up to 2015 in Egypt
Female Circumcision, level, trend, and expectations up to 2015
Effect of privatization on the labor participation gender gap in Egypt
Regional fertility expectations in Egypt up to 2017
Socio Economic and Demographic Implications of Aging in Georgia.
Demographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics for avoidable Visual Loss in Menoufiya Government.
Population Characteristics of Unplanned areas in Greater Cairo.
Malnutrition among Children and Its Effect on Mortality.
Infant Mortality in the Republic of Yemen “An analytical Study for it’s Determinants and Trend”.
Maternal health in Egypt and its correlates.
Transition Analysis to El Asher Men Ramadan City, a comparative analysis between the planned and the actual number of population received. Determinants will be analyzed.
An Analytical Study for Socio-Economic and Demographic Factors affecting the Egyptian Male Labor Force.
Egyptian Female Labor Force, Trends, Level and Determinants.
Determinants of Fertility in Mauritania
Sex Preference and its Impact on Fertility
Prevalence, Incidence of Sexual Transmitted Infections in Egypt
Egypt’s Economic Reform and Gender Gap and Participation in Labor Market
Fertility Levels, Trends, differentials in Upper Egypt
Socio Economic and Demographic Implications of Aging in Georgia.
Population Characteristics of Unplanned areas in Greater Cairo.
Malnutrition among Children and Its Effect on Mortality.
Recently I am interested in; Sexual transmitted Diseases and reproductive Health Research, Gender issues, in the Middle East and Africa.

Assessment of the HIV and AIDS situation in Egypt: Socio-cultural & Political, Demographic and Economic Impact (Co- investigator).
Egypt Disability Adjusted Life Years, Expectation Models and Human Development
Gender Equality and the Millennium Development Goals in Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen
Health Transition in Egypt
Decomposition of Fertility in Upper Egypt
Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS in Egypt
HIV/AIDS in Egypt: Challenges and Solutions
Incidence and Determinants of Self-Reported Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Zimbabwe 1994 – 1999 not published yet.
Age Structure Change and Human Development
Role of Elderly people in the Era of HIV/AIDS in Africa
Poverty and Investment in Children
Socio Demographic Characteristics Associated with Blindness in a Nile Delta Governorate of Egypt
Children in Egypt: Demographic, Economic, and Social Aspects
Structural adjustment and gender gap in Egyptian labor market (currently underway)
Gender wage gap in Egypt: Determinants and Consequences
Mortality Variations: Level, Pattern, Trend, and Causes During the previous Century in Egypt.
Family Structural Changes and Women Participation in Decision Making Within Households.
Safe Motherhood and Women Discrimination in the New Shapes of Families.
Family Composition and Child Health in Sudan and Lebanon.
Effect of Husbands and Wifes Education on Some Reproductive Health Variables in Egypt.
Demographic Indicators and Family Social Security: Effects and consequences.
Demographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics of Population in Planned and Unplanned Areas in Greater Cairo.
Predicted Use of Family Planning Using Markov Chain.
Contraceptive Use: Agreement and Disagreement between Egyptian Spouses
Constructing a Reproductive Health Model for Egyptian Young Females.
Features of Women’s Present Status in Egypt and Their Impact on Development.
Unauthorized Residential Settlements, Causes, Determinants, and Suggested Solutions.
Prediction of Supplied Male Labor Force by Main Activity Sections Using Transition Probability Matrix.
Women and Development. Women contribution to reach higher levels of development was analyzed. That was either directly, by participating in economical activities or indirectly, by reducing the completed family sizes
Child Immunization, Trend and Determinants. A comparative analysis is applied. The DHS 1988 and PAPCHILD 1991 data sets were used. The child immunization trend is obtained. A stepwise regression analysis was applied to the 1991 data. The determinants of child immunization are figured out.
Extended Use- Effectiveness of Contraception. The 1988 DHS and the 1991 PAPCHILD data sets were used. The extended use of contraception is predicted. Women divided into two sections, currently married and ever married women using any method. The averted births are measured as indicator to the contraceptive effectiveness.
The manpower Planning Project: The demanded labor force in Education and Health sectors (CDC).
Population and Development Indicators.
Effect of Education on Some Demographic Variables in Egypt.

Scientific Societies Membership and Consultancies:
Vice President: Arab Union for Sustainable Development and Environment, League of Arab States
Member: The Scientific Board for Research Review and Evaluation, for the International Journal of Scientific Research and Sustainable Development
Member: International Reproductive Health Working Group
Member: The Egyptian Society for Population Studies & Reproductive Health.
Member: Society for Egyptian Demographers
Member: Global Development Net since 2003
Member: Eco-mod Network Science since 2002.
Member: The applied Econometrics Association (AEA) since 2001
Member: Inter-University Consortium for International Social Development.
(IUCISD) since 2000.
Member: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) since 1992.
Member: Egyptian Bio-statistics Association since 1978.
Consultant: The National Population Council, Head of the team for Evaluating the national Strategy for population 2002-2007” October-December 2006.
Consultant: United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) Country Support Team, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2005 to date.
Consultant: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) 2005 to date
Consultant: Center for Development Services “Documentation of Egypt Population Project “. World Bank, Egypt Social Development Fund, and Ministry of Health and Population, to review and document the implemented four models of the “Egypt Population Project” Upper Egypt villages in: El Giza, El Faioum, Beni Swef, El Menia, Assuit, So hag, Kina, and Aswan.
عضو اللجنة الأستشارية العليا للحملةالقوميةالأولى عن “المشكلة السكانية و التنمية الصحية” خلال عام 2005 تحت رعاية الأستاذ الدكتور وزير الصحة و السكان والأستاذ الدكتور وزيرالتامينات و الشئون الأجتماعية و الأستاذ الدكتور وزير التعليم والدولة للبحث العلمى و الأستاذ الدكتور وزير الشباب,
Workshops and Conferences attended:
المشاركه فى اجتماع الملتقى الدورى الثالث للاتحادات العربيه النوعيه المتخصصه و الذى نظمته اداره المنظمات و الاتحادات العربيه التابع للامانه العامه لجامعه الدول العربيه و الذى عقد فى 9-10 اكتوبر2019 بفندق كراون بلازا عمان المملكة الاردنيه الهاشميه .

المشاركه فى اجتماع الملتقى الدورى الثانى للاتحادات العربيه النوعيه المتخصصه و الذى نظمته اداره المنظمات و الاتحادات العربيه التابع للامانه العامه لجامعه الدول العربيه و الذى عقد فى16 نوفمبر2018 بفندق فينسيا بيروت الجمهوريه اللبنانيه على هامش احتفالات اتحاد المصارف العربيه بمرور 45 عاما على تاسيسه

Participated as a speaker and as a chairperson in the annual international conference of organized by The Arab Federation for Environmental Protection on Environmental Challenges in the Arab World, held in Kuwait 31 May-2 June 2010.

Participated as speaker in the annual meeting of the Reproductive Health Working Group RHWG, Istanbul during the period 12 14 July 2008.

Participated as a Keynote speaker, in The third International Turkish African Congress, Istanbul during the period 4-6 December 2007. The congress was organized by the Turkish African Center for Strategies and Policies TASAM.

Participated as a speaker in the international conference on Policy Modeling, Sao Paulo, Brazil, during the period 11-13 July 2007. The conference was organized by The Economic Modeling Network.
Participate as a speaker and chairperson in the international conference on Family Empowerment A Theme of Engineering Family Empowerment: A proactive Developmental Approach held in Kerala, India 11-14 September 2005. Organized by School of Social Work, Marian College Kuttikanam.

Participate as a speaker and chairperson in the international conference on “Ageing and the changing role of the elderly” held in Johannesburg, South Africa during the period 18-20 August 2004. The conference is organized by Union for African Population Studies (UAPS), Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC).

Participate as a speaker in the international conference on ” Children and Mediterranean: Health, culture, and Urban Settings”, Genoa, Italy January 7-9 2004. The conference is organized by the Geerolamo Gaslini Foundation in collaboration with The World Bank, The Arab Urban Development Institute, and The Giannina Gaslini Institute.

Participate and attend the Economic Research Forum (ERF) 9th annual conference held in El Sharja United Arab Emirates, 26-29 October 2002.
Participate in the Sexual and Reproductive Health Research workshop, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, United Kingdom during the period 24 June- 19 July 2002
Attend and participate as a speaker in the Applied Econometrics Association (AEA) International conference on Policy Reforms, Growth and development , held in Meknes, Morocco. 20-22 September 2001.
Attend and participate as a speaker in the Inter-University Consortium for International Social Development (IUCISD) twelfth international Symposium, held in Bogazici University, Istanbul,, Turkey. 20-23 June 2001.
Attend and participate in the Economic Research Forum (ERF) Seventh Annual Conference on Trends and Prospects for Growth and Human Development held in Amman, Jordan, 26-29 October 2000.
Attend and participate as a discussant in the International Conference on African Population in the 21Centuray held in Durban, South Africa on 6-10 December 1999.
Attend and participate as a speaker in the Conference on Family Social Security. Held in Dubai Police, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on 11 April 1999.
Cairo University, (ISSR), El Khartoum, Sudan for Teaching. November 1992.
University of London, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London United Kingdom as a Ph.D. candidate. Sep., 1987-Oct. 1989.
Attending a training course on using the SPSS package and its applications, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, England 1988.
المشاركه فى مؤتمر الاتحاد العربى للتنميه المستدامه والبيئه التاسع ” استشراف المستقبلعبر مفاهيم التنميه المستدامه لتحقيق الاهداف والتميز الادارى ” و شرف القاء كلمه الافتتاح و رئاسه الجلسه الافتتاحيه الثانيه.المقام فى القاهره فى 9 ديسمبر 2019بمقر الامانه العامه بجامعه الدول العربيه .
شرف المشاركه فى الاسبوع العربى للتنميه المستدامه فى نسخته الثالثه تحت رعايه فخامه رئيس الجمهوريه والذى نظمته اداره التنميه المستدامه و التعاون الدولى جامعه الدول العربيه برئاسه السيده وزير مفوض ندى العجيزى فى الفتره 3-6 نوفمبر 2019 هيلتون هليوبوليس . الاسبوع تم بالشراكه مع كل من: وزارة التخطيط و المتابعه و الاصلاح الادارى ج م ع و الاتحاد الاوروبى و البنك الدولى و البرنامج الانمائى الامريكى
حضور المؤتمر الصحفى بمناسبه اليوم العالمى لمرض فيبروميالجيا Fibromyalgiaالذى اقيم بفندق فرمونت بدعوه موجهه لاعضاء لجنه الصحه و السكان بالمجلس القومى للمراه برئاسه د احلام حنفى مقرره اللجنه
Attend and participate as a speaker and as a share person ” Women Health Optimization “WHO”-2019 The Fourth International Conference under slogan: Knowledge, Skills, Attitude and abilities 12-13 March 2019 Grand Nile Tower Hotel, Cairo Egypt.
شرف تلبيه الدعوه الكريمه لحضور حفل تكريم المراه المصريه و الام المثاليه تحت رعايه و بتشريف السيد الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسى فى 30 مارس 2019
حضور الملتقى الثانى لمتطلبات المجتمع المدنى حول التنميه المستدامه بمقر الامانه العامه لجامعه الدول العربيه و مناقشه رؤيه الشبكات العربيه و اسهامهتهم فى المنتدى السياسى رفيع المستوى للتنميه المستدامه 2030 فى 11 يونيو 2018
المشاركه بتنظيم ورئاسه جلسه بعنوان اوقفوا تلوث التربه في احتفال الامم المتحده بيوم الارض العالمى 27 ديسمبر 2018 برعايه جامعه الدول العربيه والتى نظمها الاتحاد العربى للتنميه المستدامه و البيئه بالتعاون مع منظمه الامم المتحده للاغذيه و الزراعه
المشاركه بالحضور ورئاسه احد الجلسات وتكريمى من السيد الاستاذ الدكتور رئيس الجامعه التكنولوجيه ببغداد لرئاستى اللجنه العلميه للمؤتمر العلمى الدولىالرابع للبيئه و التنميه المستدامه الذى اقامه مركز بحوث البيئه فى الجامعه التكنولوجيه بالتعاون مع الاتحاد العربى للتنميه المستدامه و البيئه بالقاهره 24-25 نوفمبر 2018
لمشاركه فى اعمال الاسبوع العربى للتنميه المستدامه تحت رعايه فخامه الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي 19-23 نوفمبر 2018 بمقر الامانه العامه القاعه الكبرى بجامعه الدول العربيه و الذى اقامته اداره التنميه المستدامه والتعاون الدولى برئاسه السيده ندى العجيزى
قمت بتمثيل الاتحاد العربى للتنميه المستدامه و البيئه بالانابه عن السيد الامين العام للاتحاد بتوقيع اتفاقيه تعاون مشترك مع المجلس الانمائى للمراه والاعمال بجمهوريه لبنان و مثله السفيره ايمان غصين رئيس المجلس وذلك على هامش لقاءات الوفود العربيه المشاركه فى الاسبوع العربى للتنميه المستدامه و البيئه 21 نوفمبر 2018
المشاركه كمتحدث و برئاسه جلسه و تحكيم الاوراق البحثيه فى فعاليات المؤتمر الدولى الثامن للاتحاد العربى للتنميه المستدامه و البيئه بعنوان ” الصحه و البيئه فى اطار التنميه المستدامه ” بمقر جامعه الدول العربيه بالتعاون مع جمعيه النجاه الخيريه بدوله الكويت 1-2 اكتوبر 2018
المشاركه بتنظيم و اداره حوار حول المائده المستديره بعنوان ” التغيرات فى نسب الاستخدام لوسائل تنظيم الاسره : الاسباب والتداعيات و السياسات المقترحه ” فى اطار المؤتمر الدولى الثالث و الخمسين لمعهد الاحصاء جامعه القاهره 3- 5 ديسمبر 2018
حضور الاجتماع الاول للمكتب التنفيذى الدائم لملتقى الاتحادات العربيه النوعيه المتخصصه والذى عقد بمقر جامعه الدول العربيه فى 14 فبراير 2018
شرف تلبيه الدعوه الكريمه لحضور احتفالبه تكريم المراه المصريه و الام المثاليه تحت رعايه و بتشريف السيد الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسى فى 21 مارس 2018
المشاركه كمتحدث و برئاسه جلسه و تحكيم الاوراق البحثيه فى فعاليات المؤتمر الدولى السابع للاتحاد العربى للتنميه المستدامه و البيئه بعنوان ” سبل تعزيز التكنولوجيا النظيفه و التقنيات صديقه البيئه بالمنطقه العربيه” بمقر جامعه الدول العربيه 24 نوفمبر 2017
المشاركه فى فعاليات ندوه “المراه المصريه و زياده الانجاب: ما لها وما عليها” فى اطار المؤتمر الدولى الثانى و الخمسين لمعهد الاحصاء جامعه القاهره 25-27 ديسمبر 2017
المشاركه مع رئيس و اعضاء لجنه الصحه و السكان فى جلسه الاستماع التى عقدت تحت قبه البرلمان بمشاركه لجنه الصحه بمجلس النواب لمناقشه قضيه تغليظ عقوبه ختان الاناث التى انتهت بنجاح 20 يوليو 2016
المشاركه كمتحدث و برئاسه الجلسه الخاصه ب ” المراه العربيه: تحديات و فرص” فى فعاليات مؤتمر التخطيط الاستراتيجى للمشروعات وسبل تهيئه مناخ الاستثمار فى مصر 25-26 اكتوبر 2016 مكتبه الاسكندريه وقد تم تكريمى
Participate and attend The First Arab Conference on Family Health and Population “The Arab Family Health: Facts and Challenges” organized by the Arab League, Cairo, Egypt. May 13-16 2006
المشاركة بى الجلسة العلمية فى اطار ورشة العمل عن الحملة القومية الأولى “المشكلة السكانية و التنمية الصحية” خلال عام 2005 بمقر نقابة الأطباء.27 يناير 2005
Participate and attend the seminar on ” Population and Poverty in Egypt” Cairo, Egypt 5-6 January 2004.Organized by the Population Council Office for west Asia and North Africa, Cairo, and the Center for the Study of Developing Countries, Faculty of Economics and Political Science.

Participate and attend The Initial Workshop for the UNFPA Project “HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care for Young People Using Health Centers” Cairo, Egypt 20 August 2003.

Participate as a discussant for a session titled “The 21st century: Poverty, HIV/AIDS, and illegal migration” The 6th annual conference for junior researcher ” The 21st Scenarios: Challenges and Chances” Center for the Study of Developing Countries, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, Egypt. 17-19 April 2004.

المشاركة فى اجتماع ائتلاف محور الطفلة فى اطار الآعداد للتقرير الدورى المصرى المقدم للجنة الدولية لحقوق الطفل بالأمم المتحدة.فى اطار مشروع الدعم الفنى و المؤسسى للمنظمات غير الحكومية لتنفيذ وثيقة بكين10المجلس القومى للطفولة و الأمومة10 -11 سبتمبر 2003
المشاركة في العديد من الدورات التدريبية التي نظمها المركز الديموجرافي بالقاهرة للتعريف بقضايا السكان والتنمية وقاضيا النوع الاجتماعي والطفولة و الأمومة
المشاركة في البرنامج التدريبي بمشروع الدعم الفني والمؤسسي للجمعيات الأهلية لتنفيذ وثيقة مؤتمر بكين المنفذ بالتعاون مع المجلس القومي للطفولة و الأمومة ومنظمة اليونيسيف وذلك بإلقاء المحاضرات 8-10 \7\3002 وكذلك العمل كمستشار بالمشروع.
Attend the 3rd Symposium for Prevention of Blindness 11-14 October 2003, Cairo, organized by Al Noor Foundation.
Organize a symposium on “Gender Issues: Socio-Economic and Political Determinants and Their Consequences” 31 annual seminar on population and development, December 2001.
Organize a symposium on “Child’s Rights and Sustainable Development” 30 annual seminar on population and development, November 2000.
Organize a symposium on “Increasing the Effectiveness of Women’s Participation” 29 annual seminar on population and development, November 1999.
Attend the Seminar on “Social Categories in Population Research“. Held at Social Research Center, American University in Cairo on 15-18 Sept. 1999.
Attend and participate in a workshop on Slums, Treatments and alternatives priorities. Fredrech Naoman Association, Cairo, 15 -17 May 1994.
Organizing and attending a workshop on Indirect Estimation in Demography, Cairo Demographic center, 1993.
Attending a workshop on the Egyptian Tourism Statistics, Cairo, Egypt, 84.
Attending Seminar on Measurement of Maternal and Child Mortality, Morbidity and Health Care: Interdisciplinary Approaches, IUSSP/ Cairo University, November 1991.
Attending a workshop on the Statistical Analysis of PAPCHILD Data, Cairo Egypt, 20 May-14 June 1991.
Annual Statistical Conference for Bio-statistics, in the Years 1978-1992 (ISSR), Egypt.
Consultations Services:
United Nations For Population Activities (UNFPA), Addis Ababa Regional Office: Country Support Team Permanent Member
Cairo Demographic Center (CDC): Population Consultant
UNFPA, Cairo Office: member of the policy analysis committee.
Ministry of Health and Population, Unit for Monitoring Population and Activities, member of the policy analysis committee.
Consultant, workshop of using the Software in Demography. The Workshop was organized by the ESCWA, UN. Kuwait, 4-26 November 1986.
Prof. William Brass. Former Chairman, Center for Population Studies, 99 Gower St. London WC1. England.
Dr. Alan Hill, Prof., Department of Population & International Health, Harvard School of Public Health, 665 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
Dr. Hisham Makhlouf, Professor of Demography, ISSR, Cairo University, Egypt.
Dr Maged Othman, Director of Cairo Demographic Center. 78 4 St., El Hadaba El Olia El Mokatam, Cairo, Egypt.
Dr. Fredrek Shorter. Former Chairman, International Population Council, Cairo, Egypt.
Paul D. Courtright, Prof. of Ocular Epidemiology, British Colombia University, Canada.

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