بصمة قائدة

المستشارة  نوال الشمري#مرشحة بصمة قائدة2021##الكويت

المستشارة  نوال الشمري#مرشحة بصمة قائدة2021##الكويت
Nawal Karim Al-Shammari

• Qualifications, conferences and training courses:
• A secretarial course from the Institute (Noor Al-Salam Al- Ahli) with a degree (excellence).
• How to provide effective social consultation from the Institute (Center for Alternative Medicine) with a degree (excellence).
• International arbitration course from the Eurasian Academy of Studies and Humanities.
• *The internationally accredited Arab Center for Human Rights and International Law in Norway in March 2015.
• The course of preparation of international arbitration consultants (level 1) from the Arab Center for

International Arbitration in cooperation with the Arab
Academy of International Mediation and Arbitration.
• An international arbitration course from the Arab Center
for International Arbitration with the Arab Training
• Advanced workshop in the art of consulting from the
Institute (Center for Alternative Medicine) with a degree
• Workshop (numbers of tv cadres) Al-Tender Channel
March 2009.
• Honorary degree in development and service to the Arab
• Certificate of attendance at the Conference of the Arab
Center for Educational Training (the first international
educational guidance between reality and hope.)
• Honorary Doctorate from the American University of
Professional Studies.
• Honorary Ph.D. from International Coltal Affairs in
International Relations September 2017.
• Ph.D. in International Law 2017 Cheshire Magt College.
• Certificate of Excellence in Performance Recognition
from Newcastle Business School 2017.
• Ph.D. from The American University in efforts,
specialization and activities in the field of society.

• Get a professional trainer badge from the British Council for Training and Consultancy.
• Certificate of International Arbitration for The Development of British Academic Resources November 2017.
• Diploma of Family Advice and Guidance from The Anchors Group International.
• Honorary membership of the Association of Educational Trainers.
• Honorary Doctorate from cambridge Academy of International Law 2017.
• Attendthe Training Forum as the center piece of development and community well-being 2016.
• The Shield of Excellence and honorary doctorate at the Conference of Arab Youth and Women Ambassadors.
• Shield of Excellence of the International Humanitarian Ambassadors Conference 2017
• Participation in the Arab Conference local authority in ensuring the right to education and development
• Participating in the Strategic Entrepreneurship Planning Conference.
• The educational system, under the slogan of education, we make homelands and build civilizations.
• Participation in voluntary and social work terrified Kuwait 2020 during crisis The Krona pandemic.

• Organizing the Arab Conference of the Local Authority in ensuring the right to education and the development of the educational system, under the slogan of education, we make homelands and build civilizations.
• Honorary Doctor of Community Development from the Local Government Governance Organization and the High Commission for Human Rights.
• Obtaining the shield of the knight of volunteer and social work during the crises and emergencies of the Knights of Peace.
• Previous experiences and local and international positions:
• Author of newspaper articles in al-Watan newspaper, public opinion, news.
• Journalist for Al-Arab magazine.
• Journalist for Al-Sharq magazine.
• Psychological and social consultant in The Secrets
• Editor-in-Chief of The World Jewels Magazine.
• Director of Public Relations, Altaf Magazine.
• A journalist for the Qatari newspaper Al-Watan.
• Prepared programs in the channel (Flash) silent program
presented by lawyer Adel Yahya.
• Editor-in-chief of Women’s World magazine.
• Director of Public Relations, Justice Channel.

• Director of Public Relations, Gulf Channel.
• Family consultant in the field of accident network.
• Prepared and directed for many programs in the channel
(Justice – Al-Bawadi – Homeland – Flash – Channel
• Prepared for the paragraph of lawyer Khaled Al-Abdul
Jalil in al-Watan tv paragraph 2 night.
• Director General of the Center for Alternative Medicine.
• She holds shields and certificates in the field of medical
projects and conferences and worked as a marathon for
the global hepatic epidemic in Kuwait in 2007.
• Director of Public Relations Department of the National
Projects Company Medical Department.
• General Manager of Fajr Al-Amal Advertising Company.
• Project Manager (Watani I) its activities and then
implemented in the name of (disabled ya watani) Oprit
Dana Baldi.)2006(
• Project Manager (Bent Baladi).)2008(
• Director of Public Relations, Wazzan Medical Services.
• Executive Director, Al Hashash Law And Legal Advisory
• General Manager of gulf legal group for law and legal
• General Manager of Riyada Group for Law and Legal
Counsel. 5

• General Manager of Wafa Kuwait.
• Consultant, Al-Velkawi Law ,Legal Counsel and
• Director General of The Summit Medical Services Center.
• General Manager of the project (We are a homeland) for
legal and family consultancy.
• Director of The Al Issa General Trading and Contracting
• Executive Director ,Miami Stars General Trading and
Contracting Company.
• Executive Director, Beit El Salam Foundation.
• Chairman of the International Federation of
Entrepreneurs in Kuwait.
• Senior Trainers Association of Educational Trainers
• Director of the Office of the Association of Educational
Trainers in Kuwait
• International Affairs Advisor and Director of the Office of
the Arab-African Council for Integration and
• The Ambassador of the World Organization for
Sustainable Development is a world of hope.
• Goodwill Ambassador for Peaceful Coexistence of the
Arab-African Council for Integration and Development.
• Ambassador of the Euphrates Organization for World
Peace to the Arab world.

• Agent of the Jordanian American Chamber of Commerce in Kuwait.
• Work to be done :
• The possibility of giving courses in public schools,
universities, the Institute of Practice and women’s
• The possibility of giving courses at the girl’s sports club
and all other clubs.
• The possibility of giving psychological sessions,
suggestive therapy and social consultation.
• The possibility of giving courses in marketing and
• The possibility of planning and marketing Arab and
international projects and ideas.
• The possibility of drawing strategic plans for media
projects and implementing them at the level of arab heads of state.
• Personal skills:
• Charisma.
• The possibility of linking international relations and
establishing external projects.
• A leading figure who manages to lead the teams
smoothly and flexibly, communicate with those involved excellently, and create a positive impression of the employer.

• Effective communication.
• The ability to work together and integrate with others
with their different ideas and build constructive social
• Innovation.
• The ability to imitate creatively in the easiest way and
the least costly means and problem solving.

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